Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
- Tattoos (07/04/2018) Harry James Potter has no regrets. That's what he told himself every time he got a new tattoo. AKA, Five Times Harry Potter Got A Tattoo, And The One Time He Helped Someone Get One For Themselves.
- Xoxo, Malfoy (05/10/2019) Pansy has had enough. Truly. She would pull her hair out of her scalp if she had to listen to Draco Malfoy whine about his crush one more time. With her newest plan, they couldn't go wrong.
- Love of My Life (11/01/2020) Harry Potter catches a cold so Draco Malfoy makes him breakfast in bed.
- Time Comes Around (14/04/2020) Plenty of Hogwarts students have come back for eighth year. Including Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. Tensions rise as they're both placed on the special eighth year Quidditch team and they learn to understand one another and, ultimately, acceptance.
- le loup-garou series
- Ghosting (24/10/2020) Life after death should be easy. Draco shouldn't be tortured for all eternity in this limbo with his crush trying to solve his murder. But, then again, here he is...
- Hold me close, sway me more (02/04/2021) Harry wasn’t a stranger to physical intimacy, but it was a little strange to go to bed that night with his boyfriend, who explicitly asked if they could just sleep together. Nothing more, nothing less. He finds that it's not as strange as he once thought.
- Harry Potter Finally Curses Like He Deserves (12/09/2021) I am borrowing Harry Potter from the clutches of She Who Must Not Be Named and allowing him to say "fuck" like he should've been able to the entire time.
- The apple doesn't fall far from the tree (14/09/2021) James is having a dramatic reaction to the news of his son's romantic happenings with Lucius Malfoy's son, but Lily and Sirius are having deja vu.
- This Is Hard (But It Helps To Have You With Me) (21/01/2022) Draco Malfoy + no sleep, little food, and 2 all nighters + rude coworkers inviting him on a healers retreat = having a complete meltdown and being comforted by Harry Potter?
- Stimming Joy (20/03/2022) Draco Malfoy doesn't know why he does it, he just knows it feels good to do it. He's not supposed to do it. It's childish. Disgusting. Unattractive. Distracting. But, through his friends and family and friends-made-into-family, he learns there's a happiness to be found in expressing himself.
- Shopping (05/06/2022) Draco and Harry go on their first shopping trip together.
Regulus Black-centered fics